Dell Adamo...grrrrr


Big complaint. I hate being forced to use a new operating system when new hardware comes out. I figure, faster hardware on old Stable OS is probably going to run way better. So... here is what I have found for drivers for Windows XP for the new Dell Adamo... mostly work arounds from other dell models

Intel GM45 Video Driver

Intel Wireless 5300

Creative Integrated webcam

Broadcom NetLink 5784 Gigabit Ethernet

I am still having issues finding a working Audio and bluetooth driver. If anyone out there knows where I can find them, please post in the comments. I also have one unknown device. I will update this post if I find any new information.

UPDATE 1: Bluetooth

HOORAY! To Update the bluetooth download the two links.

Chipset -

Bluetooth -

Run the installer. It should extract but you don't need to install the package. Go to device manager and the two Human Interface devices that are disabled ... use the chipset driver to update them. They should show up fine and enabled once the driver is updated.

Next run and install the bluetooth manager. It will complete the bluetooth device setup.


The audio driver is located here

Look under step 7. There is a whole package of drivers for download. Download and unzip. Run the installer in the audio folder and away it goes!!!

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  • From Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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