Lets get back to it

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Four more movies this past week and I am expecting double that this week. SO... lets get started

RV - Starring Robin Williams as a hard working father who tries to make up for missing time with his family by taking them on an RV trip. Or does he, let me save you some time, you might want to skip down to the next one if you plan on watching the movie and want to be surprised... no ok. This is your typical "old school" Robin Williams movie. He always plays that Dad who messes up, try's to fix two things at once but in the end his family comes first. This makes for a good family story but not a movie you would run out and buy. In this one Williams has an overpowering boss and Williams job is in jeopardy if he doesn't do this "one major deal"! So of course he decides to try and please his family, while sneaking around behind their back while on vacation to save his job. As usual there is a happy ending with a few laughs in between. Worth a rental for the kids, but probably not worth your time.

Equilibrium - Finally, FINALLY I found it on DVD! Both Amazon.ca and HMV lowered their prices and I picked this up for $15 on the weekend. If you have yet to see this amazing movie, don't bother with the rental... just go straight out and buy it. Worth every penny. Set in the future, humanity has decided that our emotions play too big of a part in our lives and are what cause wars and are the reason we kill each other. So the government creates a drug to suppress all emotion and an elite group are trained to detect emotion and eradicate it. Go pick it up.

Empire of the wolves
- Another Jean Reno movie you say, why yes, yes it is. I bought this to add to my collection but after watching it... not really worth it. The story is, the government is experimenting on a girl and a cop is investigating a serial killer. Get the connection? Neither did I, but it does come full circle, it just takes a long time. Just stay away from this one.

The Transporter - I picked this one up along with Equilibrium. Completed my collection and finally got to watch this one all the way through. Besides being Luc Besson, this collection is one of the coolest driving and fighting movies ever. I can't wait to see Crank next weekend.

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